How to Lose Weight fast in 10 days

We live in a day when gaining unwanted pounds is easier than ever. Being raised in a fast-paced society that practices and promotes ease and convenience has made weight gain too easy for too many people. Ease is never having to exercise. Convenience is eating fast, processed or refined foods which are loaded with unhealthy fats, salt and sugar. These foods cause huge spikes in insulin levels and gradually wear down the system which metabolizes sugar, which leads to massive weight gain. These same unhealthy habits that make it so easy to accumulate unwanted fat, make it impossible to lose it.
In a desperate attempt to lose weight, many individual have chosen to severely restrict caloric intake and/or exercise strenuously for long periods of time in an attempt to eventually shed all their unwanted fat. What these individuals have discovered is that these weight loss methods only work partially and temporarily or not at all.

Why don't these methods work? There are several reasons why severely restricting calories doesn't work. The body requires a certain number of calories daily to meet it's energy needs. Receiving less calories than needed causes the body to hold onto stored fat and break down muscle for fuel instead. Losing muscle mass slows the metabolism and makes fat loss even more difficult.
The other reason why this method is ineffective is because it cannot be sustained long-term. Eventually those that practice calorie starvation return to their previous diets and often end up being heavier than before.
Hours of intense, daily cardiovascular exercise seems like the ideal way to get rid of all that extra weight. Unfortunately, it is not nearly effective as you might think. According to Dr. Alan Sears who has worked with obese patients for over 20 years, long duration, intense workouts are ineffective for long-term weight loss. After 20 minutes of exercise the body switches to fat-burning mode, which may seem like a good thing for those who are trying to burn fat. Dr. Sears says the problem with burning fat is that this signals the body to store more fat in preparation for the next long workout making it diffucult to get rid of excess fat.
Here are 2 Easy Ways to Lose Weight in 10 Days:

The first easy way to lose weight in 10 days is to engage in cardiovascular exercise for no longer than 20 minutes at a time. According to Dr. Sear while engaging in high impact cardio exercise for 20 minutes or less, the body burns glycogen stored in the muscles and liver for fuel. This short workout performed regularly trains the body to replace glycogen instead of fat in preparation for the next workout. After the workout is over the body begins to burn fat to replace the glycogen lost during the workout and continues to do so for 24 hours.
Since the fat burn lasts 24 hours, working out every other day is all that is needed. Other benefits to short high impact training periods include greater energy after workouts, a stronger heart, greater lung capacity, fewer injuries and more energy. A Harvard study involving 7000 people revealed that the key to heart disease prevention with exercise is short duration intensity rather than long workouts. Overtraining eats away at muscle and can cause the heart to shrink.

The second easy way to lose weight in 10 days is to replace fat storing foods such as fast foods, processed foods and refined foods with foods that help the liver metabolize fat more efficiently. The best choices include oatmeal, onions, cinnamon, flax seed, leafy green vegetables, beans, legumes and garlic.
Eating foods high in fiber will will allow you to feel full on less food, eliminate snack cravings and maintain a high energy level until the next meal. Coconut oil should be used in cooking instead of other oils. This will improve digestion, absorption and elimination resulting in a greater calorie burn. Unhealthy beverages such as soda, diet soda, alcohol and coffee should be replaced with 6 to 8 glasses of pure water daily.

Losing weight in 10 days is easy to do but it is also easy not to do. The choice is yours. With a little effort you can make these minor changes a part of your lifestyle and be on your way to achieving and maintaining your desired weight for a lifetime