Food That helps to lose weight fast

Foods perform three functions in the human body. The first purpose is to supply energy and heat. The second thing is to keep the body functioning normally. The third function is to build and repair body tissue. The human body must maintain an even temperature of 98.6 F. It does this by burning food, just like fuel is burned in an automobile engine. Fat especially belly fat must be burned up, otherwise it’s going to settle around ones midsection.

The only difference is that the body’s fuel is burned more slowly. But energy is also being produced at the same time. The body uses this energy for play, for work and for breathing and digestion. Just like when a car is driven to go faster it requires more fuel. The body is the same way. For the more active person it requires more food for energy.

The human body can’t be shut down like when a car goes in the shop for repairs. The human body must be repaired on the go. It never shuts down throughout life. All tissues need constant repairing and replacement during the whole time. The element in food which builds and repairs muscles, blood, nerves, and other tissues is called protein. Some minerals build and maintain bones and teeth. Others make red blood.

What we want to concern ourselves with is the food, the fuel we want to burn-up fast because we don’t want to give it time to settle around our midsection or commonly called belly fat. There are certain foods that have been proven to burn faster than others. In so being, those are the ones we want to feed the body furnace.

The foods that don’t accumulate around the belly and the foods that you can actually fill up on. Also, most of the foods in the following list are vegetables, therefore they’ll normally pass through the body much faster than the grease filled fast foods that are killing people everyday. Of coarse on the News you won’t hear the newscaster say that so and so died from being over weight. You will hear an indirect cause of death like: heart
despise, stroke, hardening of arteries, lack of activity, old age, things like that.

You can start a new exercise program at any age and change to a diet of 95% fruits and vegetables in order to live an active and vigorous lifestyle. I see people all the time get into bodybuilding in their 60’s to 100’s. Jack Lalanne is 96 what does that tell you? Eat the fruits, nuts and vegetables to loss the belly fats, live longer! Look at the list of foods that burn belly fat.

Fat burning food list: turnips, tomatoes, string beans, tangerines, watermelon, spinach, squash, strawberries, collard greens, eggplant, cucumbers, cranberries, brussel sprouts, leeks, lemons, lettuce, broccoli, blueberries, blackberries, beets, asparagus, artichokes, apricots, apples, corn, chives, cherries, celery, cabbage, cantaloupe, carrots, cauliflower, kale, honeydews, grapes, garlic, grapefruit, green beans, potatoes, red cabbage, okra, raspberries, raisins, radishes, pumpkin, kale, mangoes, mushrooms, onions, oranges, red peppers, green  peppers, peaches, parsley, prunes, pineapple, peas, figs, plums, pears, papaya, bananas, oranges, nectarines, okra, onions, parsnips, nuts, cod, crabs, lobster, shrimp, tuna, flounder and scallions.

 All in all, eat the foods that burn belly fat and combine with a daily exercise program to bring out the greatness in you! Food authorities have set standards of quality and quantity for each nutrient which the human body requires for an adequate diet.